Spine specialist, Dr. Tom Menendez shares his experience treating elderly women using
Cox Technic.
About Dr. Menendez:
Dr. Tom Menendez, DC is a 1989 graduate of Life University School of Chiropractic in Marietta, Ga. and has been in practice in southern Indiana since 1991. Dr. Menendez and his staff currently serve the community in their Advantage Chiropractic office in Sellersburg, In. which was established in 2000.
Utilizing a variety of Chiropractic manipulative and therapeutic techniques, specifically the Cox Flexion-Distraction technic, among others, best suited to each patient's needs and diagnosis, Dr. Menendez and his staff have helped thousands of patients resume normal, healthy activities free from pain.
Whether the problem is back pain, sciatica, degenerative discs, whiplash injury, headaches, or even your child’s “growing pains”, whether your need is temporary relief from pain or long-term spinal correction and maintenance, you have their personal guarantee that you will be treated with highest level of courtesy, efficiency and personal attention. Give Dr. Menendez a call today if you are tired of living in pain.