Dr. Elizabeth Welch shares her breakthrough to helping her patients finally correct their posture.
A word from Dr. Welch:
I am Dr. Liz Welch, Chiropractor and the founder of PostureFit. After adjusting a patient some years ago, I watched as she walked out of my office, hunched over in terrible posture. I thought to myself, "I am delivering the best chiropractic adjustment on my patients, but the moment they leave my office, they are going right back to teaching their body to slouch". I struggled with this, knowing the other methods of fixing posture don't work long term.
That is when PostureFit was born. I want my patients, and I want YOU, to experience the benefits of having Perfect Posture. I want you to look confident with your shoulders back, I want you to feel confident with your head held high. I want you to move better, breathe better, and focus more clearly.
The idea is simple, and the results are life changing. If you take control of attaining great posture, your future self will thank you.
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